PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 62 KB 2006-61 2006-09-18 Highways Decline support to relocate IH 20 Interchange @ Falcon's Lair & deviation or amend design for IH 20 & Falcon's Lair interchange.
- 945 KB 2006-62 2006-09-18 Investment Policy Adopting the Investment Policy.
- 46 KB 2006-63 2006-09-18 Misc. Ratifying expenditure of $51,850.47 to Municipal Water Works supply for water parts & add'l $70,000 for repairs - # 2006-034.
- 37 KB 2006-58 2006-09-05 Grant Grant for Speed STEP w/TxDOT for $50,785 to be supplemented by City in amt of $27,632 & authorize CM to execute docs.
- 381 KB 2006-59 2006-09-05 Highways Authorize Mayor to execute Amendment #4 to Adv. Fund Agrmt w/TxDOT for $300,000-Mesq Sect of LBJ Corridor, Ph 2 & 2B.
- 45 KB 2006-49 2006-08-21 Curfew Continuing the juvenile curfew ordinance.
- 156 KB 2006-50 2006-08-21 Municipal Utility Districts Refusing to give consent to petition of Talty I 20, LP for the creation of Talty Municipal Utility District (MUD) No. 1.
- 37 KB 2006-51 2006-08-21 Misc. Authorize Mayor to execute an Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement w/City of Grand Prairie for purchase of goods & serv.
- 36 KB 2006-52 2006-08-21 Newspaper Designating the official newspaper for the City of Mesquite for a one-year period beginning October 1, 2006.
- 190 KB 2006-53 2006-08-21 Personnel Authorizing the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Agreement with MISD for Health and Wellness Clinic and Pharmacy.
- 333 KB 2006-54 2006-08-21 Dallas County Authorize revised Proj Supp Agrmt to Master Agrmt Governing Transp Major Capital Impr Proj w/Dallas County for $1,742,271 - LBJ Project.
- 42 KB 2006-55 2006-08-21 Highways Authorize CM to execute LPAFA w/TxDOT for installation of traffic signal at N. Galloway & Highland Village for $213,400.
- 31 KB 2006-56 2006-08-21 Misc. Supporting the City of Dallas' Ten-Year Plan to end Chronic Homelessness.
- 31 KB 2006-57 2006-08-21 Easement Authorizing the City Manager to grant and execute utility and drainage easements necessary for orderly development.
- 257 KB 2006-45 2006-08-07 Tax Authorizing the Mayor to execute the terms & conditions of an amended tax abatement agreement with Iris U.S.A., Inc.
- 203 KB 2006-46 2006-08-07 Tax Approving the Mesquite Quality of Life Corporation budget for fiscal year 2006-07.
- 43 KB 2006-47 2006-08-07 Grant Supporting Parks & Rec Dept. Youth Services Div. grant appl. to Office of Governor's Criminal Justice Div. For $55,957 for FAST.
- 160 KB 2006-48 2006-08-07 Grant Adopt 2006-07 CDBG Program & Annual Action Plan, designate CEO & authorize filing of appl. under Housing & Comm. Dev. Act.
- 224 KB 2006-41 2006-07-17 Abandonment Approving the future abandonment of Paces Court Drive.
- 498 KB 2006-42 2006-07-17 Misc. Adopting a Long-Range Plan for the Mesquite Public Library System.
Total : 3073 Page