PDF Res# Date Subject Description
- 176 KB 1966-05 1966-02-21 Highways Request Texas Highway Dept. provide construction Gus Thomasson Rd. across I635
- 172 KB 1995-06 1995-03-06 Highways Request Tex Turnpike Auth name proposed SH190 Tollway & future extension in honor of frmr Pres George Bush
- 294 KB 1978-11 1978-04-03 Misc. Request State to extend time for private club applicants
- 84 KB 1991-20 1991-08-05 State Request State Purc & Gen Serv Comm to include Mesquite in annual Purchasing Contract.
- 88 KB 1990-22 1990-05-07 Highways Request SDHPT to construct SH352 as a four-lane facility fm. U.S. 80 to south of the Union Pacific RR
- 117 KB 2003-28 2003-06-16 Highways Request of Waiver of Local Match Funds w/TxDOT regarding replacement of Faithon P. Lucas, Sr., Blvd. Bridge.
- 268 KB 1971-39 1971-12-06 Sewer Request North Texas Municipal Water District for Regional Sewerage System
- 102 KB 1987-14 1987-04-20 Grant Request grant from Criminal Justice Division for Computer Aided Dispatch
- 196 KB 1968-39 1968-05-20 Highways Request from Texas Highway Dept. concerning problems created by construction of highways
- 106 KB 1992-06 1992-03-02 Highways Request fm. TDOT addl. highway directional signs on behalf of Mesquite Arena.
- 43 KB 2001-23 2001-06-05 Grant Request financial assistance from TxDOT for RAMP program for Mesquite Metro Airport.
- 43 KB 2002-57 2002-11-04 Grant Request financial assistance from TxDOT for participation in the RAMP program at Mesquite Metro Airport.
- 53 KB 2001-39 2001-08-20 Grant Request financial assistance from TxDOT for hangar taxiway improvements at Mesquite Metro Airport.
- 60 KB 1998-41 1998-12-07 Airport Request financial assistance from TxDOT for an airport terminal bldg.
- 43 KB 2002-20 2002-05-07 Grant Request financial assistance from TxDOT for a new terminal building parking area at Mesquite Metro Airport.
- 61 KB 2001-10 2001-03-19 Grant Request financial ass't fr TxDOT for purchase/install of automated weather observation system at Airport.
- 183 KB 1996-07 1996-03-18 Street Request Dallas County reject low bid for Hickory Tree Rd reconstruction project.
- 91 KB 1989-38 1989-11-20 Street Request Dallas Co to transfer surplus funds fm. Samuell proj to Bruton Rd. project (LBJ to Pioneer).
- 78 KB 1976-23 1976-08-16 Grant Request Congress to expedite funding for Title VI of Employment & Training act
- 237 KB 1990-46 1990-10-01 Dallas County Req Dallas Co incl in 1991 Thoroughfare Imp. Bond Prog-portion of Clay fm. East Glen northward to SH 352
Total : 3072 Page