Post Lost or Found Animal

Public information will be published on this website and is viewable by all site visitors.

Have you lost or found this animal?
Animal type:
Photo: (.jpg, .gif and .bmp only)
Description of the pet and the area that the pet was lost or found: (required)
Please do not use any HTML in your description.

characters left

Public contact information: (required)
I would like the public to contact Animal Control.
I would like the public to contact me personally using the information in the box below:

Private information is only viewable by authorized city employees and will not be made available to the public. This information will be used to contact you if needed.
Name: (required)
Phone: (required)
E-mail: (Additional information will be sent to you if an e-mail address is provided.)
All submissions will be approved by the City before publication on the lost and found list. Please allow one business day for publication.