**** Please note that occasionally ordinances are amended or repealed with superseding ordinances. ****

PDF Ord# Date Subject Description

67 KB
3759 2005-09-19 Population Designating the official population of the City of Mesquite as 133,605.

25 KB
3825 2006-09-18 Population Designating the official population of the City of Mesquite, Texas, as 135,894.

23 KB
3892 2007-09-18 Population Designating the official population of the City of Mesquite, Texas, as 136,750.

21 KB
3991 2008-09-15 Population Designating the official population of the City of Mesquite, Texas, as 137,539.

223 KB
4063 2009-09-21 Population Designating the official population of the City of Mesquite, Texas, as 137,850.

41 KB
4111 2010-09-20 Population Designating the official population of the City of Mesquite, Texas, as 139,550.

29 KB
4172 2011-09-19 Population Designating the official population of the City of Mesquite, Texas, as 139,870.

249 KB
4229 2012-09-17 Population Designating the official population of the City of Mesquite, Texas, as 139,950.

31 KB
3332 1999-09-20 Population Designating the official population of the City of Mesquite, Tx., as 119,600.

781 KB
2257 1985-12-02 Wrecker Designating Wrecker Service operators

231 KB
1297 1975-11-17 Sanitation Determine collection rates for monthly service charges for garbage, refuse

820 KB
0197 1958-02-18 Population Determine for December 31, 1957 - 19,400

271 KB
1272 1975-09-15 Franchise - Gas Determine general service rate charged for sales of natural gas to consumers

972 KB
0286 1960-04-18 Franchise - Gas Determine general service rate to be charged for sales of natural gas

202 KB
0844 1970-03-02 Franchise - Gas Determine general service rates for natural gas to consumers

887 KB
0224 1959-02-03 Population Determine population 1-1-59 22,171

770 KB
0107 1954-09-07 Population Determine population census report 6,021

121 KB
0833 1969-12-15 Franchise - Gas Determine rates charges for natural gas to consumers

263 KB
2258 1985-12-02 Election Determine salaries for fire personnel

115 KB
0677 1967-06-05 Franchise - Gas Determine service rate charged for sales Natural gas to consumers
Total : 5054 Page